About us

We Care About You

Star Player Subscription offers consumers the essential items that each unique individual requires. Clients are able to get the products that they require frequently without having to repeat the process of going to the store and purchasing them. By providing a wide array of necessities to maintain hygiene, health and wellness star player subscriptions assists the client in creating a winning self care regimen while enjoying the extra time, energy and effort that would previously be put into the repetitive visits to multiple marketplaces.

As much as I love to shop, shopping for feminine products was the last thing I wanted to do. I often felt overwhelmed, anxious, nervous and even embarrassed to purchase items every month. I had no other option and my attitude about it often lead to horrible consequences not being properly prepared or having the disposable income to try new products or the knowledge of alternative methods. After one of many unwelcomed surprise visits on vacation I decided that I needed to direct my frustration to fuel that passion that desire to not be unprepared again and to save another woman from the tragic experiences I endured. I decided to change the narrative and design a delightful discourse about the magical menstrual cycle and how amazing it is to be a woman to embrace every aspect of it. The subscription box service became the most perfect way to accomplish my mission. Interacting with people who all had different monthly requirements and who would gladly skip those dreaded store runs confirmed the demand was definitely present.

My subscription service challenges the societal norms and stigmas by inviting all to discuss the positives and negatives on products, giving honest reviews and feedback on everything from the lip gloss to panty liners from prenatal care to menopause, and from perfume to lingerie. Instead of shaming, silencing or muffling these voices, I plan to provide the platform and the safe space for these powerful testimonials. Star Player subscription will allow clients the opportunity to cherish more of those moments by spending less time shopping for their current needs.

Giving women a voice, a choice, hope, and consistency empowers them. Empowered women inspire influential innovations and manage multiple corporations. When the realities of what makes a woman a woman are valued then EVERYONE WINS!